Spook Mcstuffins

It was a dark and stormy night with a RED sky. It was the day that I received my Johnny X (a character from THE BEST SHOW ON TV!) cosplay kit COMPLETE WITH REAL SUPERPOWERS. I ,of course, ran upstairs, carefully, stripping while I did so. I shut my Johnny Test (THE BEST SHOW ON TV!) windows and doors. I then put on my power pootin' butt laser that came with the cosplay kit. I was so happy because I was SUCH a big fan of the show ever since I was kicked out my parent's basement for snorting my crack with the Johnny test (THE BEST SHOW ON TV!) themed snorter. My friend said to me "you have to burn that shit mate." I of course didn't listen to him, after all he hadn't seen JOHNNY TEST ( THE BEST SHOW ON TV!) I quickly filled up my Johnny Test shot glasses and went downstairs to watch Johnny Test on my 1000000000 x 1000000000 res TV.
I remember getting on the episode where Johnny dies and I screamed at the TV with tears blurring my vision "HE JUST WANTED TO RIDE THE BOUNCE HOUSE!!!" But then Johnny came back to life and I was all " YAYYYYYYYYY!!!" Then the episode with the Bee Keeper came on and I put on my Johnny X X-ray vison goggles to see the through the Bee Keepers disguise. But what I saw.... was..... not.... the.... Bee.... Keepers..... true.... ident... i... t... y.
I saw Doc Mcstuffins the girl who lived 1.6 houses away and she was murdering?????
Doc had moved in approximately the 15th of March 2069 at precisely 4:20
i knew she was up to no good when I saw her. After 5 years or so she became a toy doctor (probably because being a hitman requires you be a man.)
Anyway I said to myself this is all in my head. Lousy imagination. But it was far worse than my imagination. I heard someone at the door...
"Who's there?" I asked. " I know Mr Black and Mr White... They specialize in gangbangs!. I saw Doc at the door. I had to do ther biggest fart anyone had farted so I could incinerate her.
"For Johnny!!!!" I yelled.
Toot went my bottom
I'm fucked.
Doc Mcstuffins blows the door down and enters. I tell Doc "I'm sorry I killed your dad Doc."
Doc laughs at me and says "You idiot I am not Doc I am Spook Mcstuffins the most wanted criminal ghost in the wild west."
I am suprised. Doc uses her powers to make everything in the house alive. Including the two bodies out back. They all come towards me and Stuffy the dragon holds me down. Doc takes her axe and swings.
I am decapitated. My last thoughts were.
"I failed you Johnny Test" ( The best show on TV!!!!)